Accurate Valuation of Assets
The accurate valuation of all assets of divorcing spouses is essential to obtaining an equitable division of funds and property. While some assets are relatively simple to value, such as bank accounts, mutual funds, and stocks, other assets, such as real estate, business ownership, various personal property, and collections, require appraisals and financial professionals to determine their true value for asset distribution.
At SekellaLaw, PLLC, our dedicated N.H. divorce attorneys have over 35 years combined experience helping high net-worth clients retain or secure the assets to which they're entitled in divorce. Founding attorney, Heather M. Sekella, is a certified financial litigator and understands how to represent your best interests in these matters and coordinate all needed specialists to get correct and reliable values for your property.
Finding Factual Information
At SekellaLaw, PLLC, our family lawyers in New Hampshire regularly work with valuation experts to get accurate amounts for a truly equitable division of assets in N.H. complex divorce cases. If one spouse has regularly limited the other spouse's access to financial information, we can intervene and pursue financial disclosures through various discovery tools to gain confidence that assets are not hidden in your asset determination.
An accurate valuation of assets and a sound legal strategy are key to making sure your post-divorce life is fully funded. Our skilled N.H. high-asset divorce attorneys will listen to your concerns and provide options for resolution that are tailored to your situation. Our goal is to satisfy your legal needs and goals when it comes to the distribution of assets.
Experienced Professionals on Your Side
Leverage our team's experience to secure a correct valuation of your marital property. As a certified financial litigator, N.H. high net worth divorce attorney Sekella can add extra insight into your divorce when it comes to asset discovery and analysis.
Make sure you have a skilled New Hampshire high-asset family law firm in your corner for your divorce. Call SekellaLaw, PLLC, today at (603) 623-1003 or reach us with this online contact form to schedule your initial consultation.