Consult With Our New Hampshire Divorce Lawyer
Whenever two people enter into a marriage contract, many of their individual assets and funds become shared property. Whether this property was acquired before or during the marriage, it is generally considered belonging to both spouses.
When a divorce occurs, the New Hampshire courts attempt to divide marital property evenly to ensure fairness. However, if the court finds that an equal division would not be equitable or appropriate after taking into consideration certain factors, then the laws on property division come into play.
Court's Process of Determining Property Division
Property division is not as straightforward as one might expect. Many assume that you will automatically regain rights to property that was individually owned prior to the marriage, but a wide variety of factors can influence which spouse will get to keep which assets.
Factors weighed by the courts include:
When you reach out to a New Hampshire divorce attorney from SekellaLaw, PLLC, we can review these factors with you and discuss potential outcomes. We will then implement a strategy that's based on your situation, your wants, and your needs.
Protect Your Property in a Divorce
If you are embroiled in a divorce and are facing a major loss of assets through property division, we can help you strategize and prepare for a different outcome with the right legal help. At SekellaLaw, PLLC, our skilled N.H. divorce attorneys have over 35 years of combined experience and have helped countless individuals effectively present arguments for favorable property awards.
Contact us today for a preliminary case review and get answers to the questions on your mind. Call (603) 623-1003 or send us a message online to get in touch with a New Hampshire divorce lawyer who can help.