Preserve Your Lifestyle
How do you preserve your way of life after a divorce? If you are considering divorce, you may wonder whether you can maintain the lifestyle to which you've become accustomed during your marriage after your marriage ends. And if you have minor children in the home, what if you or your spouse focused on the family while the other was dedicated to attaining advancements in his or her career and providing that lifestyle?
At SekellaLaw, PLLC, our dedicated N.H. complex divorce attorneys will vigorously advocate on your behalf to help you maintain your lifestyle after a divorce. With a strong strategy in place for leveraging favorable property divisions and equitable child and spousal support payments, we can work toward helping you preserve the lifestyle to which you're accustomed.
Optimal Marital Asset Division
A fair division of marital assets is key to maintaining your lifestyle in the long term. Whether you are the higher wage earner and contributor to the marital estate or not, there will be important points to focus on as you navigate the division of marital assets. The experienced N.H. high net worth divorce attorneys at SekellaLaw, PLLC, will seek all necessary information to make sure an appropriate division of assets takes place as part of the divorce process. Your financial future depends on the financial information sought and obtained from you and your spouse. To prepare to negotiate that financial future, your lawyer will need the following:
After gathering all marital financial information, our N.H. divorce attorneys will collaborate with you to create a plan to pursue a fair distribution of assets in negotiation or litigation. We will listen to your concerns about the divorce and support the goals you have for yourself and your children.
Maintaining Your Lifestyle After A Divorce
Take decisive action to obtain or maintain the resources you need to maintain your lifestyle after a divorce. With over 35 years of combined experience, the N.H. high-asset divorce attorneys of SekellaLaw, PLLC, are dedicated to protecting your rights and preserving your future.
Call us today at (603) 623-1003, or contact us online to schedule your preliminary case review. From our office in Manchester, we help people throughout New Hampshire.