Retirement Asset Allocation
For many people, retirement savings are one of the largest and most valuable assets they possess — and as such, they are extremely important when it comes to complex divorce in N.H. However, issues concerning the division of retirement assets can be very complicated and sometimes mishandled or overlooked as a result.
Your access to marital retirement assets is one of the most significant factors determining what lifestyle you will have after your divorce. Examples of retirement and investment assets that can be eligible for asset division include pensions, IRAs, 401(k)s, and stock options. A proper apportionment of these assets needs to be included in your divorce settlement — and SekellaLaw, PLLC, in Manchester, can help.
Looking at the Big Picture
Whether you are considering divorce or know that you will file soon, it is time to review your complete financial situation. At SekellaLaw, PLLC, our experienced N.H. divorce attorneys look at the big picture and thoroughly analyze the retirement portfolios of both you and your spouse to help you obtain the full and fair settlement amount you deserve.
With a certified financial litigator on staff, we are well-positioned to provide knowledgeable advice regarding N.H. high net worth divorce cases. With multiple factors involved in the division of funds, both liquid and non-liquid and other retirement and investment properties, we can review with you all of your options so you can make informed choices that will benefit you in the future.
Advocating for Your Rights
At SekellaLaw, PLLC, our New Hampshire divorce lawyers will advocate for your right to retain assets built up over the course of your marriage, including retirement assets. Whether you are far from retirement or planning on leaving full-time employment in a couple of years, the time to advocate for your equitable share of the retirement wealth you built up with your spouse is now. Actions initiated with your New Hampshire divorce settlement can benefit you for years or decades down the road.
Let us help you pursue the assets you deserve. Call us today at (603) 623-1003 or send us a message online to schedule a complimentary case review with one of our New Hampshire high-asset divorce attorneys.